Where is the time going?  We are excitedly looking forward to departing in 9 days, and yet I feel a tad overwhelmed with what I need to accomplish before then.  Instead of tackling my to-do list I am sitting on my computer writing a blog post.  I will allow myself a small procrastination and then get to work! 

We are getting hardwood on the main floor of our house while we are away which is extremely exciting, but... that means we have to basically empty the house before we leave!  Tearing up tile will be a messy job and so we have been advised to pack away as much stuff as we can to avoid needed to clean it all later.  This is a great excuse to go through things and do some purging, but a small kink is added by the fact that we have house guests this weekend so we still need to keep some things around and look like a normal house.  (They wouldn't appreciate us packing away the toilet paper, for instance.)

All in all these are excellent 'problems' to have, and after a whirlwind of getting ready we will be rewarded with French wine and cheese - what could be better than that?

Well, that took awhile!  I can come up with a few good reasons as to why I took almost a 10 month break from this blog, but who cares what they are?  (Okay, basically life got busy and, although I thought about it often, I just never got around to posting anything.)  But now the winds have shifted and I am ready to go!

I am so excited to be headed (with my family, of course!) to France again this summer.  I never, ever get tired of that place.  It's an addiction, and if I have to choose over being addicted to smoking crack cocaine or needing to go to France every few years then I will pick the latter 10 out of 10 times.

This summer we will revert back to travelling with only carry-on bags after taking a break from that for the last two years.  Last summer was a bit different for us in that we needed so many different things (wedding attire, being amongst the least carry-on only friendly!), and the summer before we were staying in the same place for two weeks for my in-laws anniversary party/family reunion.  This time we will be travelling to 4 different places on planes, trains and automobiles - and I am really looking forward to it!

I'm going to leave it at this for now as I reacquaint myself with this website and try and remember how to format, edit, and add pictures all over again.  Time to blow the dust off this baby!


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